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on the Path of Bliss

About Us

We are part of Sunrise Trust, a nonprofit organization, on a mission to spread yoga and eco-social-spirital initiatives supporting projects worldwide.  Since starting in 2000, we have transformed an abandoned farm in Ireland into a green, organic edible landscape, creating a flourishing vegetable garden, and implementing systems of permaculture and eco-buildings.

We are improving and growing every year and we will be delighted to have your presence and participation.  Remembering that when we are healing ourselves we are also contributing to making a world better.


RetreatsDharma is located in the most peaceful countryside and landscapes of Ireland. We are nestled in Whitegate, County Claire, in a privileged location, surrounded by nature, with plenty of space and surprisingly, wild horses.

We are only 1 hour from Shannon airport.


We are excited to share our journey with you, on our retreat experience you will live the magic of joining a spiritual community. All who come here experience profound inner beauty, transformation, wholesomeness, well-being, human warmth, respect, and care.

The Team & our spiritual path

Didi Anandaprama

Founder of  Sunrise Farm, Didi Anandaprama is an Avadhutika, a nun on the tantric yogic path for more than three decades.

Didi met Ananda Marga, “The Path of Bliss” in Vermont, USA. She previously worked for UNHCR (The United Nations High Commission for Refugees), in Somalia; CARE and Peace Corps in Liberia, and afterward for Ananda Marga in India, Brazil, Haiti, Kenya, and Europe. 

She started Sunrise 20 years ago, cultivating the land and actively practicing and teaching yoga and agroecology. 

A beacon of love to this world, Didi cultivates trust, surrender, compassion and  deep devotion, which is brought to us by pure life example, strength and action.

Bless the warriors of the Light!



A visionary, sound therapist, writer, and psychologist. Mukti has been running retreats and living in eco-villages and communities around the world for over two decades. since her yoga path began. Most recently, in Switzerland and Ireland.

Originally from Brazil, she lived in the Himalayas, Nepal, for 11 years,  in radical spiritual circumstances and experiences. Followed by The Philippines, where she lived on raw food, and went deep into shamanism and sound healing for nearly 3 years.
Since then she has been holding spaces for yoga, meditation, silence retreats, kundalini activation, shamanism, innerdance and more. Always practicing,  studying, exploring, and sharing various traditions and meditation techniques from India, Vietnam, and the Philippines, among others.

Together with Didi Ananda Prama, they run Retreats Dharma , from real life experiences. 



Jyoshna lives at Sunrise Farm for nearly one decade.  She is a great supporter of all Sunrise Projects, from fundraising campaigns to  all involved social projects and retreats.
Originally from New Zeland, since 40 years, Jyosha has been singing and playing kirtan,  music for the divine, composing and recording more than 35 albums. 

Joyshna is pure heart, but she is also a voice scientist, with PHD in music, specialized in kirtan.

She teaches us how kirtan affects the brain-mind-spirit. From there, she breathes music, devotion, love and joy.

She also participates in the garden and support the management of Sunrise.  She has been actively working to spread her message by singing in retreats in Ireland and in many other countries. 

We are all here to support and help you on your journey.


No matter how difficult challenges you might be facing, This is the right place to come and to reconnect with yourself and the earth, with the support of the most loving team and family you could imagine. It's also a place to learn, to enjoy simplicity, the Irish weather, and to enjoy each moment of this beautiful life!


Know that you have a spiritual family waiting for you here at Sunrise Farm & Retreats Dharma.

We wait for you with open arms! Welcome!!!

Click here to see more
about our dream
project for the Farm and Retreats Dharma.

"You can make a difference!"
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